Rezz is Here

Early Life
Born on 18 November 1990 at Ujung Pandang named St. Reskiyah Saleh Tjako. Grown in Islamic family with 2 fathers, 3 mothers and 11 brothers and sisters. As youngest child, she prefer to be an artist than teacher or any profession that her father suggested. She chose her own like and dislike

Present Life
Rezz is living in a house with five cats. She is eagerly leads her friends in Findie for movie activities such as discussion, screening, making film, and organizing events. 

Another time, she works as interpreter or translator for Indonesian and English as her major study in Hasanuddin University. 

She usually writes short stories and novel, and sometimes writes poem. She love collecting books, DVD, stones, and unique fashion stuff.

Professional Contact
Address:Perintis Kemerdekaan, BTN Hamzy Blok S/19, Tamalanrea, Makassar
Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia. 90245

Phone: 0821.8767.9007
Email: eq.

2 komentar:


Blognya Keren (y).
emm, 2 Fathers 3 Mothers?

Rezkiyah Saleh Tjako

this is a puzzle.
solve it!




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